PC and Laptop Recycling

Sustainable I.T. Equipment Recycling

Recycling end of life technology

It’s a fact that we are generating more and more computers every year. PC’s, laptops and tablets etc.  This is not sustainable because of the harmful materials used to make these products. These include lead and mercury. The best way to reduce this issue is by recycling your old electronics when they become obsolete or stop functioning correctly. 

Computers have been around for decades now and it has become a part of our everyday lives. It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without them.  But when it comes down to it they’re just another product that will eventually break or wear out over time. What do you do with your broken or obsolete computers? Well, this article looks at the various options….

History lesson

The first PC built was created by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore which was launched on 12th April 1965 for $360,000 (more than $2 million today). It filled an entire room and had 16k of memory! PC and laptop recycling has come a long way since then which means if your computer is out of date or broken; there are plenty of companies that will take it off your hands.

Although old PC’s and laptops can look like scrap, they and their components are full of valuable materials. These can include precious metals (i.e. gold, silver, platinum). PC’s have multiple uses too; they can be chopped up into smaller pieces to become landfill cover or turned into a host of other products such as clothing accessories and jewellery.

Recycling for a sustainable future

Nowadays PC’s aren’t classed as waste anymore so it doesn’t cost anything to take them away and recycle them correctly. PC recycling companies such as ours will also offer a small fee for reliable models that are still in good condition.

PC recycling is great for the environment because it means fewer electronic goods ending up in landfills. Whereby they either remain there forever or leach dangerous chemicals into the groundwater supply with time.

I.T. recycling is also beneficial for the company because it reduces waste and pollution. PC’s are made from many materials, including plastics, metals and glass which can all be recycled in a variety of ways.

PC’s also contain several types of toxic materials such as mercury (used in LCD screens) so recycling PC’s is good for health reasons too. PC recycling isn’t just limited to PC’s: laptops have become increasingly popular over the years with people not just using them for work. They are also used for leisure activities as well like watching films or surfing the web.

Laptop recycling is very similar to PC recycling because they’re often produced by the same company; Dell was one of the first companies to create both PC’s and laptop computers together.

Recycling a positive benefit

As you can see PC recycling has a lot of benefits for PC users, companies and the environment. PC’s can be recycled in many ways: 

PC and laptop recycling is becoming more environmentally friendly as technology advances but if it isn’t done properly it could cause harm.

Always check with PC recyclers that they use methods that won’t damage the environment or create health hazards before handing over your PC or laptop.

PC recycling businesses such as ours offer a variety of services: PC’s and laptop recycling can be done through a PC recycler, PC servicing centre or PC dismantler. PC refurbishers can fix your PC and get it working properly again if you can’t do this yourself (you’ll need to know what PC parts you need because often they won’t work with other models unless updated).

PC dismantlers take all the valuable materials out of a broken or damaged PC, destroying the rest which is safer than sending it to landfill. PC servicing centres repair computers by replacing faulty components and updating them so that they become more eco-friendly; these centres are also useful for people who aren’t comfortable taking apart their PC themselves.

Repair & Reuse

PC recycling comparison sites offer an easy way to find the best price on PC recycling because PC recyclers are listed in price order. PC recycling comparison sites also give you a rough estimate of the process fees so you can decide whether PC recycling is best for you or if it would be cheaper to buy new PC’s. PC recycling comparison sites are convenient because PC’s that aren’t fit for reuse are often suitable for parts and PC recyclers will buy any unused PC parts even if they’re broken.

PC dismantling involves getting rid of the unusable parts by crushing them into small pieces or breaking them down to their most basic element, reducing their volume. This is easier than taking every part out individually; some companies use magnets to make it quicker as well but this isn’t very environmentally friendly and there are only traces of precious metals left in PC cases after PC dismantlers have finished.

PC recycling companies sell PC parts to people who want to repair their PC (often for cheaper than buying them new) or other PC recyclers, PC servicing centres and PC refurbishers in order to make a profit.

Recycle now

If you want to recycle your old PC but aren’t sure where to start then check out our company at Fixed Asset Disposal that shows all the available options so that you know exactly what PC recycling entails.  We can also provide information on PC servicing, PC refurbishing, PC dismantling and PC parts so that you know exactly what to expect from PC recyclers. PC recyclers are listed in price order and prices include processing fees so that it’s easy to decide which one is the best option for you!

So, if you are looking for a way to protect the environment and make some money in the process, recycling your computers may be just what you need. We provide free pick up of computers from any location within 50 miles of our office and offer competitive rates on scrap metal. For more information about how we can help with PC and laptop recycling, please call us or visit our website today!



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